Black Friday Offers – Up to 50% OFF

Don’t miss out on our biggest landscape photography sale of the year.
Discover how pros capture stunning nature photos using a variety of tools at their disposal.


From fundamentals of nature photography to post processing – here are landscape photography video tutorials from the pros to get your started!

Discount Code: llblackfriday50

What Customers are Saying

Very informative and well presented

In Sharp Focus Webinar was very informative and well presented.

Gavin Stuart
Chatham, Ontario, Canada

In Sharp Focus Webinar was informative

In Sharp Focus Webinar was informative and gave me a better understanding and appreciation of some sharpening techniques available in software I use, but that I haven’t utilized before.

Norman, Oklahoma

Clear and Concise Information

It has been great to work through your video tutorials at my own pace and concentrate on subjects that most interest me. You provide clear and concise information, and the workflow portions are excellent for driving home the techniques you are teaching. I have also enjoyed your free webinars. Thank you so very much!

Jody Olson

Great stuff!

I’m enjoying your Creating Impact Course video tutorials and case studies. They’ve really helped clarify a number of areas that have always been a big vague for me – like hyperfocal distance! I’ve also really appreciated seeing your thought process when deciding how to photograph a location and the steps you work through in post processing. Great stuff! :)

Ruth Smith
Tasmania, Australia

I have benefited immensely from your instruction

I have benefited immensely from your instruction on hyper-focal distance, and on stacking, photos to attain sharp focus throughout the scene. Your enthusiasm for your work is contagious. I appreciate the influence of your vitality in my photography.

Indian Land, SC, USA

It was excellent!

In camera exposure principles very simply explained in today’s Mastering Exposure Webinar . It was excellent!

Alan Dixon
Norwich, England

Best photography webinar I’ve every taken

Mastering Exposure Webinar was the best photography webinar I’ve every taken. I’ve taken lots of seminars where they talked about their pictures but in this one, they showed a video of how they determined their settings while in the field. Very helpful.

Diane Donnelly
Annapolis, Maryland, USA

The information is easy to understand and to the point

I bought several of your Video Courses and I just love them. They are enthusiastic, the information is easy to understand and to the point. It makes me want to run out and try all your tips . Best of all the photography from all over the world is just fantastic! Great work! Will be watching for more!

Upper Michigan, USA

I thoroughly enjoyed the video courses

I thoroughly enjoyed the video courses by Varina and Jay Patel. Their clear presentation style and real life examples of their teaching enabled me to rapidly understand and put into practice what they were teaching. Their style is quite personal as if you were on site with them. Excellent photography in the examples supports the learning experience. Histograms were always a bit of a mystery. Seeing how to use them to improve my “in-camera” results will enable me to get the results I see in the field.

Michael Franklin
Ottawa, Canada

The material is presented in easy-to-digest

I have been using filters for many years and still learned a number of helpful tidbits of information I didn’t already know or hadn’t thought about from the Essential Filters Course. The material is presented in easy-to-digest segments of video that you can sit down and watch all of back-to-back, or if you only have a few minutes you can watch them one at a time. The way the segments are divided makes it easy to go back and find specifics you want to review.

Jennifer Wolf
Cardiff, California

About Author Jay Patel

I could startoff like this – “Seeds of Jay Patel’s appreciation for beautiful places were planted early in his childhood….” but it would get boring really fast. I will just sum it up and say that I am a Landscape and Wilderness Photographer who loves to capture dramatic light. My photographs have been published in various magazines, calendars and advertising materials throughout the world.
Patience is a virtue...unless you are chasing your dreams