Jay and Varina are excellent tutors

Jay and Varina are excellent tutors, if you are starting out on your photography journey and want a few lessons to help learning the craft you will find more than you need here.

Kevin Payne
Ringwood, United Kingdom


I am an avid follower of Jay and Varina’s work. Their work really is superb. Their knowledge in the field of landscape photography is impeccable.

San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Very useful and helpful

I’d like to take the opportunity to congratulate with you for your Video Courses, I find them very useful and helpful in order to improve in my favourite hobby.

Tiziano Trono
Cremona, Italy

Very informative and well presented

In Sharp Focus Webinar was very informative and well presented.

Gavin Stuart
Chatham, Ontario, Canada

Al Dziczek

I’ve never seen training material this high in visual quality, formal presentation, knowing what’s important to present and how.  I hope you keep on expanding your Landscape Photography Video Tutorial output and set even better standard.

Al Dziczek
Kentucky, USA

Lenize Zika

I love your photography and your instructional videos and eBooks!

Lenize Zika
Orlando, Florida

Isabel “Bel” Martins

Their easy approach, pace, and personalities make the learning process much easier and enjoyable.

Isabel “Bel” Martins
Cleveland, Ohio

Claire Tan

The Hyperfocal Distance Course is excellent and enlightening. It will definitely come in useful when I go to the Yading Nature Reserve in China next week on a photography trip.

Claire Tan


You offer an incredible photography learning experience. With two terrific instructors who are great to learn from, and fun to be with, I couldn’t ask for more.


Kirsty Faulkner

Histograms Exposed is a great tutorial too – I learned some stuff myself, as I didn’t realize you could even get a live view of your histogram before you took a shot! Love learning new techniques! :)

Kirsty Faulkner
Christmas Island

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