Black Friday Offers – Up to 50% OFF

Don’t miss out on our biggest landscape photography sale of the year.
Discover how pros capture stunning nature photos using a variety of tools at their disposal.


From fundamentals of nature photography to post processing – here are landscape photography video tutorials from the pros to get your started!

Discount Code: llblackfriday50

What Customers are Saying

Having my own personal instructor!

I am looking forward to completing the Creating Impact Course.  You and Varina do an excellent job of teaching key photographing techniques. Watching your video’s is like having my own personal instructor!

Bill Higgins
Michigan, USA

I have benefited immensely from your instruction

I have benefited immensely from your instruction on hyper-focal distance, and on stacking, photos to attain sharp focus throughout the scene. Your enthusiasm for your work is contagious. I appreciate the influence of your vitality in my photography.

Indian Land, SC, USA

Jay and Varina explain photography really well

I have been enjoying your videos from Hyperfocal Distance and The Ultimate Landscape Photography Courses. And I must say you – Jay and Varina – explain photography really well. And I love the humour that you guys bring.

Jamie Blair
New South Wales, Australia

I learn a lot from them

Both Jay and Ugo are clear and informative in their instruction. I learn a lot from them whenever they host a webinar.

Neal Abello
Santa Ynez, United States

In Sharp Focus Webinar was informative

In Sharp Focus Webinar was informative and gave me a better understanding and appreciation of some sharpening techniques available in software I use, but that I haven’t utilized before.

Norman, Oklahoma

I am having so much fun

You have both brought my learning forward big time with your Histogram Exposed Course. I only got my first dslr 2 weeks ago. You have given me the skills to get results straight away. I am having so much fun experimenting in manual mode. Something I didn’t think was possible so early in my journey.

Simon Page
New South Wales, Australia

It was excellent!

In camera exposure principles very simply explained in today’s Mastering Exposure Webinar . It was excellent!

Alan Dixon
Norwich, England

In Sharp Focus Webinar very good

In Sharp Focus Webinar very good. Sometimes it felt like drinking from a firehouse, but good information.

Kendrick Neubecker
Glenwood Springs, Colorado

I congratulate Jay and Varina on an excellent course!

I congratulate Jay and Varina on an excellent course. Naturally the most important element is the human and I am enjoying your philosophy, meticulous attention to detail, and words of wisdom learned sometimes the hard way. You are giving us wonderful and very effective advice and recommendations for equipment use and photographic technique. (Ultimate Landscape Photography Course)

Stephen Veronneau
Edmond, Oklahoma

Easy to follow and replicate for your students

Once again, a wonderful course (Getting it Right in Camera) that you have created here, in stunning locations, and by means of your intuitive style of teaching all the concepts and techniques can be properly digested. The case studies provide invaluable insights in how you work your cameras and the thought processes behind creating those wonderful images – easy to follow and replicate for your students.

Frank Weitzer

About Author Jay Patel

I could startoff like this – “Seeds of Jay Patel’s appreciation for beautiful places were planted early in his childhood….” but it would get boring really fast. I will just sum it up and say that I am a Landscape and Wilderness Photographer who loves to capture dramatic light. My photographs have been published in various magazines, calendars and advertising materials throughout the world.
Patience is a virtue...unless you are chasing your dreams