Cover image for Light & Exposure for Nature Photography Class by Jay and Varina Patel

Light & Exposure for Nature Photography Class

Gain control of your light and exposure for nature photography with this complete guide to and come way with brilliant photos, no matter what.

– with Varina & Jay Patel

11:00 am – 12:30 pm (New York Time), August 22, 2020


Get unlimited streaming access to Padma’s Webinar & Online Classes Recordings & ALL Video Tutorials on Visual Wilderness for just $14.95/mo.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I cannot attend my Live Online Class Session?

We record all our live classes session. So if for some reason you cannot attend a live session you will have 1 year watch the the recorded video.

NOTE: Online classes are non-refundable.

What do I need to attend Live Class Session?

You will need a high-speed internet connection to attend our live online class.

We use Zoom Meetings to run our online classes. Zoom Meetings is compatible with all devices, including Mac and PC desktop computers and laptops, mobile phones, and tablet devices. If you're still not sure whether your device will work with our streaming services, try your device out by joining a test meeting at https://zoom.us/test

NOTE: We do not recommend using your mobile phone to attend the meeting because of small screen size of mobile phone. You will get most out of your Online Classes if you are watching out live session on 13 inch or larger screen.

Can I access Online Classes after the Live Session?

Yes. We will attempt to record live presentation. Barring any unforeseen circumstances you will have 1 year access to the recorded video.

What's Included in our Online Classes?

Visual Wilderness Online classes is a live event. Here is what is included in our live online classes:

  • You will be able to watch and hear the instructors as they teach the class topic.
  • Our instructors use a variety of teaching materials in the online classes. These materials may include a Live video, Presentation, Post Processing and Field Videos and more.
  • You will be able to ask question during the Live Event using Zoom’s chat box. NOTE: You do not need a microphone to ask questions. All questions are submitted using the chat box.
  • We will send you a video recording of the class after the live session is completed.


  • Introduction
  • Gain a deeper understanding about direction & colors of light
  • How to correctly bracket your photos
  • Learn to post-process like the pros with a simple and effective workflow
  • Follow along with real life case studies showing how to capture stunning photos in the field
  • Conclusion


  • Compatible with: N/A
  • Video Created with: N/A


  • Discover how to use colors & direction of light to come away stunning nature photos.
  • Explore our simple workflow to make most of light in nature photography.
  • Learn to use histograms to effectively capture both the highlight and shadow using bracketing.
  • Determine how and where to focus when shooting in low-light conditions.
  • Understand when you may be able to get away with just one RAW image.
  • Learn how to capture stunning landscape photos in a variety of lighting conditions with our straight-forward, non-technical lessons.

Easy-to-understand concepts with on location real life demonstrations on how to capture light for nature photography.

What People are Saying

Vikram Jayaraman

Having Jay and Varina as instructors opens up a totally new perspective to Landscape photography.

Vikram Jayaraman
San Jose, California


The Ultimate Landscape Photography Course is excellent… I look forward to being able to attend one of your courses or expeditions and working with you some day.


Franco Ameli

Thank you! Hyperfocal Distance for Landscape Photography was great video course. Very interesting and useful.

Franco Ameli
Genoa, Italy

It was excellent!

In camera exposure principles very simply explained in today’s Mastering Exposure Webinar . It was excellent!

Alan Dixon
Norwich, England

Regina Velasquez

Hi amazing people at Visual Wilderness…Two thumbs up on your Histograms Exposed Course.

Regina Velasquez
Sherman Oaks, CA

Sara Ghedina

I wanted to say thank you, I’ve been watching some of the videos tutorials you made teaching about different camera lenses and they are absolutely great. I especially like the case studies that let you actually see how things work in practice while you explain them.

Sara Ghedina
San Francisco, California

Very informative and well presented

In Sharp Focus Webinar was very informative and well presented.

Gavin Stuart
Chatham, Ontario, Canada

Sue Atkinson

I have been trying to understand Hyperfocal Distance since I first picked up a camera about a year ago. I have had several people explain it to me, but I never understood it as well as I do after watching your tutorials. They are so clear and easy to understand.

Sue Atkinson
Western Australia

Paul Peters

Like all other educational material that you’ve produced, the Essential Filter Course is simply wonderful! You both have the gift for imparting knowledge in a simple and straightforward manner.

Paul Peters
British Columbia, Canada

Shawn Vogt

It’s difficult to find the words to express how impressed I was with your Photoshop & photography knowledge and your body of work!

Shawn Vogt