Creating Impact with Night Photography with Austin Jackson

Creating Impact with Night Photography

A step-by-step guide covering the entire process for creating awe inspiring night photography images of Milky Way.

– with Austin Jackson

3:30 pm – 5:00 pm (New York Time), Nov 27, 2020


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Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I cannot attend my Live Online Class Session?

We record all our live classes session. So if for some reason you cannot attend a live session you will have 1 year watch the the recorded video.

NOTE: Online classes are non-refundable.

What do I need to attend Live Class Session?

You will need a high-speed internet connection to attend our live online class.

We use Zoom Meetings to run our online classes. Zoom Meetings is compatible with all devices, including Mac and PC desktop computers and laptops, mobile phones, and tablet devices. If you're still not sure whether your device will work with our streaming services, try your device out by joining a test meeting at https://zoom.us/test

NOTE: We do not recommend using your mobile phone to attend the meeting because of small screen size of mobile phone. You will get most out of your Online Classes if you are watching out live session on 13 inch or larger screen.

Can I access Online Classes after the Live Session?

Yes. We will attempt to record live presentation. Barring any unforeseen circumstances you will have 1 year access to the recorded video.

What's Included in our Online Classes?

Visual Wilderness Online classes is a live event. Here is what is included in our live online classes:

  • You will be able to watch and hear the instructors as they teach the class topic.
  • Our instructors use a variety of teaching materials in the online classes. These materials may include a Live video, Presentation, Post Processing and Field Videos and more.
  • You will be able to ask question during the Live Event using Zoom’s chat box. NOTE: You do not need a microphone to ask questions. All questions are submitted using the chat box.
  • We will send you a video recording of the class after the live session is completed.


  • Introduction
  • Fieldwork: Helpful Apps, Camera settings & Photography Composition
  • Overview of Post-Processing Workflow with Lightroom & Photoshop
  • Photoshop techniques for adding Star Reduction & Star Glow
  • How to Highlight the Colors in Milky Way
  • Creating drama in the Foreground using Luminosity Masking in Photoshop
  • Using Nik collection for Noise Reduction
  • Conclusion


  • Compatible with: Photoshop CC 2020 or later, Adobe Lightroom Classic, Nik Collection.
  • Video Created with: Photoshop CC 2020 or later, Adobe Lightroom Classic, Nik Collection.


  • A step-by-step guide for taking stunning Milky Way and night photography images.
  • How to find compelling compositions and use the correct camera settings for night photography
  • Master a Photoshop workflow for adding star glow and star reduction to create artistic night photography.
  • Understand the secrets for bringing out the colors & reducing noise in your Milky Way night photos.
  • Start-to-Finish workflow using real-life Milky Way case study with a straight-forward and easy to understand process.

Leave this webinar with the knowledge and tools you need to create images of the most stunning and artistic photo of the night’s sky!

What People are Saying

The very best possible way to teach

I retired from forty years of teaching elementary and middle school math/science students. As a former Indiana Teacher of the Year and and inducted member into the NATIONAL TEACHERS HALL OF FAME, I know what makes

Mike Kaiser
Georgetown, Indiana

In Sharp Focus Webinar was informative

In Sharp Focus Webinar was informative and gave me a better understanding and appreciation of some sharpening techniques available in software I use, but that I haven’t utilized before.

Norman, Oklahoma

Keep up the great work

I didn’t know Histograms could be so easily manipulated with such awesome results. I purchased this a few weeks, ago, and have viewed all the videos five or six times. Having been a public school teacher

Michael Kaiser
Georgetown, USA

Padma Inguva is an excellent teacher

I enjoyed this Online Class very much. Padma Inguva is an excellent teacher. Learned so much and inspired to experiment using a light box for photography. I would be interested in any online classes or tutorials

Deborah Alberty
Prescott, AZ

Excellent webinar

Excellent webinar by Visual Wilderness., giving me the info I need. Alan Shapiro is a very good teacher.

Richard Kaylin
Grand Junction, Colorado

Excellent Class for a New Student

The Creative Sharpening Class by Jay Patel enlightened me as to the different approaches to sharpening various aspects of a landscape scene. It would be an excellent class for a new student of Lightroom as well

Larry Wilkinson
Michigan, United States

Mastering Exposure Webinar did an excellent job of explaining

The Mastering Exposure Webinar did an excellent job of explaining the importance of the different types of histograms, and when different types of bracketing/blending would be beneficial.

Paul Tibbitts
Norman, Oklahoma, USA

Love how Alan approaches enhancing each image

I learned a tremendous amount – all the techniques Alan Shapiro covered: profiles, color checker, calibration, new curves, crushing the blacks, sketching w/virtual copies, range masking and more. Love how Alan approaches enhancing each image as a

Barbara Reiner
New Haven, CT

Lots of in depth information

Mastering Exposure Webinar had lots of in depth information. Very logically presented. Thank you SO much!

Jessie McGuire
Long Island, NY

Thank you Varina for explaining hyper focal distance

I am thrilled that this weekend I got to put to use what I have learned so far. Thank you Varina for explaining hyper focal distance, it even worked with my little Olympus OMD M5 with

Robert Forrister
Makanda, Illinois