Nature Photography eBooks: The Apprentice Series

Nature Photography eBooks for an inspiring look at important concepts in photography – from field work and creative techniques to histograms and bracketing… and so much more!

-by Varina & Jay Patel

$40.00 . $36.00

What’s Included

What Included: 4 Popular Nature Photography eBooks – Learning to See, Vibrant Colors, What the Heck is a Histogram?, Photographers Companion
Format:  eBooks, PDF format
Requirement:  Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.0 or greater

What Customers are Saying

Excellent Class for a New Student

The Creative Sharpening Class by Jay Patel enlightened me as to the different approaches to sharpening various aspects of a landscape scene. It would be an excellent class for a new student of Lightroom as well as someone experienced who can be reminded by the very good illustrations of the various tools and the interactive potential of these tools in Lightroom. I went back over part of this tutorial several time. It is excellent.

Larry Wilkinson
Michigan, United States

Tom Healy

I used both Hyperlocal Distance techniques (for playa shots) and fast shutter techniques (for crashing surf) that I learned from The Ultimate Landscape Course. It was very helpful.

Tom Healy
Portland, Oregon

Matthew Shipp

Histograms Exposed is a great series to unlocking the power of the histogram and the case studies really make things clear with great on location examples.

Matthew Shipp
St. Loius, USA

John Stanley

Please don’t change except to continue to bring the best possible learning experiences to anybody that wants to be the best possible photographer and learn to understand and practice photography to the best of their ability.

John Stanley
Roanoke, Indiana

Vikram Jayaraman

Having Jay and Varina as instructors opens up a totally new perspective to Landscape photography.

Vikram Jayaraman
San Jose, California

Shawn Vogt

It’s difficult to find the words to express how impressed I was with your Photoshop & photography knowledge and your body of work!

Shawn Vogt

Jim Schubert

And thanks for making such awesome Videos Courses! These have been a huge help in my photography development. ;)
Jim Schubert
Georgia, USA

Kas Stone

Just finished your Hyperfocal Distance Tutorial and I must commend you on giving a crystal-clear explanation of this tricky subject, and for suggesting a workflow that makes good sense. Many thanks!

Kas Stone
Nova Scotia, Canada


I am an avid follower of Jay and Varina’s work. Their work really is superb. Their knowledge in the field of landscape photography is impeccable.

San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Leslie Fotakis

Not only are the videos excellent, especially for a beginner photographer like me, but the customer support is the best I have ever had! Well done and thank you Jay and Varina!

Leslie Fotakis
Wellington Australia

About The Apprentice Series

So, you don't know which nature photography eBook sto start with? Or maybe you are looking for the perfect gift for your photography-loving friend? Well, here's your solution. The Apprentice Series is a bundle of our four most popular nature photography eBooks - Learning to See, Vibrant Colors, Photographers Companion and What the Heck is a Histogram? These four books are the perfect place to start learning. Together, they offer a broad and inspiring overview of some of the most important concepts in photography - from field work and creative techniques to histograms and bracketing... and so much more.

Become a better photographer with this starter nature photography eBook collection. The Apprentice Series includes these popular books:

Learning to See: Simple Ideas for Creative Photographers

Learning to see creatively is about thinking outside the box. Professional photographers, Varina and Jay Patel have expanded and improved their original eBook to create a fantastic, in-depth guide for any photographer who has ever felt uninspired by light, subject, or location. There are more than thirty brilliantly colorful pages filled with examples of creative compositions, unique perspectives, and unusual techniques. Varina and Jay work hard to make the most of their time on location. Discover the tricks they use to capture beautiful images in any conditions, and build up your own collection of creative options. Get ready to exercise the right side of your brain and expand your photographic vision!

  • Every page offers new ideas and suggestions for expanding your creative repertoire. More than 15 brand new pages offer even more depth and knowledge!
  • A dynamic collection of original photographs by Varina and Jay Patel provide real-world examples for each technique - with detailed explanations to help you use the ideas in your own work.
  • A detailed "field guide" pulls together the most important points for easy reference when you need inspiration or ideas.

Vibrant Colors: A Field Guide

Varina and Jay can't count the number of times they've been asked about the vibrant colors in their photographs. People ask if they "crank up the saturation" in Photoshop or use special film to create an enhanced "effect". Although they don't believe there's anything wrong with adjusting colors in Photoshop - artists should feel free to use whatever tools they choose - they rarely think about enhancing colors in Photoshop. For Varina and Jay, the art of capturing a colorful image begins in the field.

This eBook isn't about photo-manipulation. It's about capturing vibrant colors through the lens. The Patels discuss eight important factors to consider in your search for intense colors - from geology and weather to exposure and white balance. This eBook is strikingly beautiful as well as useful - showcasing the stunning photographic works of award-winning photographers, Varina and Jay Patel. Their clear, down-to-earth teaching style makes this an excellent learning tool for amateurs and professionals alike!

What the Heck is a Histogram?

This in-depth guide to histograms provides all the information you'll need to learn to make the most of one of the most powerful  - and often overlooked - tools in digital photography. A quick glance at this little graph on the back of your camera can tell you if  you have captured detail in the shadows, if your highlights are blown, if you need to bracket your images, and if your image is properly exposed. Professional nature photographers and accomplished teachers, Varina and Jay Patel will walk you through the process of reading, interpreting, and using histograms - while you are in the field and during post-processing in Adobe Photoshop. They use simple language and a wealth of real-world examples to teach you how to use your histogram.

The Photographers Companion

What if you could produce great photos right away – without learning all the technical details first? This is the eBook that will get you there.

This highly anticipated eBook from professional photographers Varina and Jay Patel offers 40+ tips and tricks that will help you improve your photography by leaps and bounds… without a lot of technical knowledge.

You’ll get pro tips on camera settings, equipment, light, and creativity in bite-sized pieces designed for beginners. The Photographers Companion is one ‘Aha! Moment’ after another.

If you are just starting out in photography, mastery can seem overwhelming. The Photographer's Companion is the hand of a pro on your shoulder when you aren’t sure of yourself - and the steady voice in your head when you are fumbling with your controls.