Black Friday Offers – Up to 50% OFF

Don’t miss out on our biggest landscape photography sale of the year.
Discover how pros capture stunning nature photos using a variety of tools at their disposal.


From fundamentals of nature photography to post processing – here are landscape photography video tutorials from the pros to get your started!

Discount Code: llblackfriday50

What Customers are Saying

great content from a very knowledgeable instructor

In Sharp Focus Webinar contained great content from a very knowledgeable instructor.
Paul Peters
Cobble Hill, British Columbia, Canada

Isabel “Bel” Martins

Their easy approach, pace, and personalities make the learning process much easier and enjoyable.

Isabel “Bel” Martins
Cleveland, Ohio

Jay and Varina are excellent tutors

Jay and Varina are excellent tutors, if you are starting out on your photography journey and want a few lessons to help learning the craft you will find more than you need here.

Kevin Payne
Ringwood, United Kingdom

Claire Tan

The Hyperfocal Distance Course is excellent and enlightening. It will definitely come in useful when I go to the Yading Nature Reserve in China next week on a photography trip.

Claire Tan

Very informative and well presented

In Sharp Focus Webinar was very informative and well presented.

Gavin Stuart
Chatham, Ontario, Canada

Elizabeth Dizon

This is great! Been wanting to understand and apply Hyperfocal Distance in my photography.

Elizabeth Dizon
Manila, Philippines

Joe Hudspeth

All-in-all, The Essential Filters Course along with the others in this series, are the most informative and easy to learn instruction I have taken. I am a complete fan of Jay and Varina and love their instructions.

Joe Hudspeth
Prineville, Oregon

Matthew Shipp

Histograms Exposed is a great series to unlocking the power of the histogram and the case studies really make things clear with great on location examples.

Matthew Shipp
St. Loius, USA

Jim Schubert

And thanks for making such awesome Videos Courses! These have been a huge help in my photography development. ;)
Jim Schubert
Georgia, USA


The Ultimate Landscape Photography Course is excellent… I look forward to being able to attend one of your courses or expeditions and working with you some day.


About Author Jay Patel

I could startoff like this – “Seeds of Jay Patel’s appreciation for beautiful places were planted early in his childhood….” but it would get boring really fast. I will just sum it up and say that I am a Landscape and Wilderness Photographer who loves to capture dramatic light. My photographs have been published in various magazines, calendars and advertising materials throughout the world.
Patience is a virtue...unless you are chasing your dreams