Cover for Mastering the Lightroom Catalog Online Class

Mastering the Lightroom Catalog Class

How to setup, organize, merge, backup a Lightroom Catalog…everything you need to know but were afraid to ask. From best practices to walking through a start-to-finish workflow.

– by Chrissy Donadi

3:30 pm – 5:00 pm (New York Time), Feb 27, 2021


Get unlimited streaming access to Webinar & Online Classes Recordings & ALL Video Tutorials on Visual Wilderness for just $14.95/mo.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I cannot attend my Live Online Class Session?

We record all our live classes session. So if for some reason you cannot attend a live session you will have 1 year watch the the recorded video.

NOTE: Online classes are non-refundable.

What do I need to attend Live Class Session?

You will need a high-speed internet connection to attend our live online class.

We use Zoom Meetings to run our online classes. Zoom Meetings is compatible with all devices, including Mac and PC desktop computers and laptops, mobile phones, and tablet devices. If you're still not sure whether your device will work with our streaming services, try your device out by joining a test meeting at https://zoom.us/test

NOTE: We do not recommend using your mobile phone to attend the meeting because of small screen size of mobile phone. You will get most out of your Online Classes if you are watching out live session on 13 inch or larger screen.

Can I access Online Classes after the Live Session?

Yes. We will attempt to record live presentation. Barring any unforeseen circumstances you will have 1 year access to the recorded video.

What's Included in our Online Classes?

Visual Wilderness Online classes is a live event. Here is what is included in our live online classes:

  • You will be able to watch and hear the instructors as they teach the class topic.
  • Our instructors use a variety of teaching materials in the online classes. These materials may include a Live video, Presentation, Post Processing and Field Videos and more.
  • You will be able to ask question during the Live Event using Zoom’s chat box. NOTE: You do not need a microphone to ask questions. All questions are submitted using the chat box.
  • We will send you a video recording of the class after the live session is completed.


  • Introduction
  • In-depth explanation of Lightroom’s Catalog & Preferred Settings
  • How to travel with your Lightroom Catalog
  • Lightroom Back-up Strategies
  • Start-to-finish Workflow of Organizing Photos in Lightroom
  • Q&A will be answered throughout the online class


  • Compatible with: Lightroom Classic 2021 and higher
  • Video Created with: Lightroom Classic 2021


  • See how professional photographers use a variety of tools and techniques to setup and maintain their Lightroom Catalogs.
  • Understand settings to balance between performance speed and storage space.
  • Discover seamless ways to travel with your Lightroom Catalog.
  • Learn which aspects of Lightroom require back-ups and strategies to create redundancy to safeguard your work.
  • Explore best practices for organizing photos in Lightroom so you can avoid the common pitfalls.
  • Watch how Chrissy efficiently imports, culls, and organizes her photography.

What People are Saying

Great and informative

Alan Shapiro‘s texture webinar was great and informative – only wish it was longer!

Susan Germyn-Francis

I am having so much fun

You have both brought my learning forward big time with your Histogram Exposed Course. I only got my first dslr 2 weeks ago. You have given me the skills to get results straight away. I am

Simon Page
New South Wales, Australia

Easy to follow and replicate for your students

Once again, a wonderful course (Getting it Right in Camera) that you have created here, in stunning locations, and by means of your intuitive style of teaching all the concepts and techniques can be properly digested.

Frank Weitzer

Kate was a personable & well-informed

Thank you so much Kate Silva for the valuable information you provided in the Creative Post Processing online class! Questions from participants were answered fully, lots of examples were provided, the pace was perfect & Kate

Teresa Walker

I loved Alan Shapiro’s class!

I loved Alan Shapiro‘s class! It was really helpful just to see the little tips and tricks he uses with his still life photography. While technical classes are incredibly helpful, I really enjoyed that he presented


Alan is a master of color & light

Alan has always been a favorite of mine. Having him share his technique on  Visual Wilderness  has been fabulous. Alan, is a master of color & light, and a fabulous teacher.

Jeri Mearns
Kiawah Island, South Carolina

I feel like that I, too, can become creative

I am not particularly creative but after watching Kate Silvia‘s online class I feel like that I, too, can become creative. I enjoyed watching how she analyzed the scene to made creative decisions. Well done.

Alicia Hoegh
Broomfield, Colorado

Mastering Exposure Webinar did an excellent job of explaining

The Mastering Exposure Webinar did an excellent job of explaining the importance of the different types of histograms, and when different types of bracketing/blending would be beneficial.

Paul Tibbitts
Norman, Oklahoma, USA

Jay and Varina’s style of teaching is so amazing

Your and Varina’s style of teaching is so amazing. You bring the workshop to my home in lucid and easy to understand style. I have subscribed to many including PPSOP, Lynda…But your team is the best!

Sunil Udupa
Mumbai, India

In Sharp Focus Webinar was informative

In Sharp Focus Webinar was informative and gave me a better understanding and appreciation of some sharpening techniques available in software I use, but that I haven’t utilized before.

Norman, Oklahoma