Tag Archive for: Photography Insights

A Guide to Infrared Photography
Christine Hauber shows us the magic and gives us tips on shooting infrared photography to create some stunning nature photos.

Six simple tools for better intimate landscape photography
Unlike the grand vistas, which dazzles us with dramatic near-far views, the intimate landscape photography seduces us to explore a deeper.

6 Traits of a Great Nature Photographer
Grant Collier describes the six personality traits that are required to have any hope of becoming a truly great nature photographer.

Leave It Better Than You Found It
As landscape photographers, it's important to lead by example and leave our photography locations in better shape than we found them.

Planning your next Landscape Photography Trip
Invaluable tips by Sarah Marino to read before you start out on your next landscape photography trip.

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone – Part 2
Waiting to photograph birds has greatly enhanced my visual perception of the world and allowed me to create images that are outside my comfort zone.

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone – Part 1
Waiting to photograph birds has greatly enhanced my visual perception of the world and allowed me to create images that are outside my comfort zone.

Does Originality Really Matter in Nature Photography?
How do you create original images in a world full of nature photographers with digital cameras… and does it really matter?