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What Customers are Saying

Excellent Class for a New Student

The Creative Sharpening Class by Jay Patel enlightened me as to the different approaches to sharpening various aspects of a landscape scene. It would be an excellent class for a new student of Lightroom as well as someone experienced who can be reminded by the very good illustrations of the various tools and the interactive potential of these tools in Lightroom. I went back over part of this tutorial several time. It is excellent.

Larry Wilkinson
Michigan, United States

Bill Domansky

Thank you for your Hyperfocal Distance Course. That answered and made it so easy to understand what HD is and how and when to use. Perfect.

Bill Domansky
Iowa, USA

Anton Averin

Your head is blown away by the amount of things you finally start to understand.

Anton Averin

Barry Dench

I would like to complement Jay, Varina and your Visual Wilderness associates for making such well thought out photo training & guidance videos. They are topical, have a clear structure to help in the learning process and good quality.

Barry Dench
New Zealand

Mastering Exposure Webinar did an excellent job of explaining

The Mastering Exposure Webinar did an excellent job of explaining the importance of the different types of histograms, and when different types of bracketing/blending would be beneficial.

Paul Tibbitts
Norman, Oklahoma, USA

John & Laurie Gillies

My wife and I bought your video courses In Sharp Focus and Hyperfocal Distance. We loved them!!

John & Laurie Gillies
Schaumburg, Illinois


Varina and Jay will go the extra mile in making sure you understand the concepts.


Shawn Vogt

It’s difficult to find the words to express how impressed I was with your Photoshop & photography knowledge and your body of work!

Shawn Vogt

It was excellent!

In camera exposure principles very simply explained in today’s Mastering Exposure Webinar . It was excellent!

Alan Dixon
Norwich, England

Matthew Shipp

Histograms Exposed is a great series to unlocking the power of the histogram and the case studies really make things clear with great on location examples.

Matthew Shipp
St. Loius, USA