Wide Angle Lenses

Make the most of your wide angle lens to capture grand vistas with incredible depth and detail.



Access ALL video tutorials & webinar for just $14.95/mo.

What is the difference between purchasing a video tutorial and VW Streaming Service?

Purchasing a video tutorial allows you to stream purchased video tutorials for 1 full year from any device with a high-speed internet connection.

A subscription to the VW Streaming Service allows you to stream ALL Video Tutorials & Webinars from any device with a high-speed internet connection. Your service will automatically renew until you cancel it.

What is Included in the VW Streaming Service?

You will gain unlimited streaming access to ALL video tutorials and webinars on Visual Wilderness while your service is active.

You will never have to worry about losing your video files due to hard drive failure, computer upgrades, or crashes.

All your webinars and video tutorials are accessible at any time, from any location, and from any device with a high-speed internet connection.

As long as your service remains active, your monthly price will not increase.

What is NOT included in the VW Streaming Service?

The VW Streaming Service DOES NOT include access to eBooks and exclusive one time offers.

The VW Streaming Service may not include access to all recorded sessions of online classes.

Can I download my video tutorials for offline use?

No. You can NOT download videos to your own device for offline use.

Some of our video courses offer free downloadable files to help you better understand the material. Those special files are available to customers for download.

What do I need to view Visual Wilderness streaming video tutorials?

You will need a high-speed internet connection to stream our online videos.
Visual Wilderness Streaming Service is compatible with all devices, including Mac and PC desktop computers and laptops, mobile phones, and tablet devices. If you’re still not sure your device will work with our streaming services, try it out with the videos below!


  • Instant access to streaming video files for 1 YEAR.
  • 10 teaching videos for photographers who want to master their wide-angle lenses.
  • 55 minutes of video content – explanations, examples, workflow, and case studies.
  • 6 wide-angle lens Case Studies so you can see the techniques in use.
  • Workshop-style lessons taught right in the field.


 Make the most of your wide angle lens to capture the boundless beauty of the natural world.

 Learn to anticipate  challenges… and handle them like a pro.

Discover how to capture images with incredible depth.

 Confidently capture all the details in every shot – even when working with a broad range of light.

 Learn to capture panoramas with your wide angle lens… while avoiding potential pitfalls.

Watch the pros at work in the field with step-by-step case studies.

 Explore the joys and challenges of using a wide angle lens with our straight-forward, non-technical lessons.

What Customers are Saying


You offer an incredible photography learning experience. With two terrific instructors who are great to learn from, and fun to be with, I couldn’t ask for more.


Bill Domansky

Thank you for your Hyperfocal Distance Course. That answered and made it so easy to understand what HD is and how and when to use. Perfect.

Bill Domansky
Iowa, USA


Varina and Jay will go the extra mile in making sure you understand the concepts.


Excellent Class for a New Student

The Creative Sharpening Class by Jay Patel enlightened me as to the different approaches to sharpening various aspects of a landscape scene. It would be an excellent class for a new student of Lightroom as well as someone experienced who can be reminded by the very good illustrations of the various tools and the interactive potential of these tools in Lightroom. I went back over part of this tutorial several time. It is excellent.

Larry Wilkinson
Michigan, United States

Lots of in depth information

Mastering Exposure Webinar had lots of in depth information. Very logically presented. Thank you SO much!

Jessie McGuire
Long Island, NY

Elizabeth Dizon

This is great! Been wanting to understand and apply Hyperfocal Distance in my photography.

Elizabeth Dizon
Manila, Philippines

Franco Ameli

Thank you! Hyperfocal Distance for Landscape Photography was great video course. Very interesting and useful.

Franco Ameli
Genoa, Italy

Jim Schubert

And thanks for making such awesome Videos Courses! These have been a huge help in my photography development. ;)
Jim Schubert
Georgia, USA

Jay and Varina are excellent tutors

Jay and Varina are excellent tutors, if you are starting out on your photography journey and want a few lessons to help learning the craft you will find more than you need here.

Kevin Payne
Ringwood, United Kingdom

Shawn Vogt

It’s difficult to find the words to express how impressed I was with your Photoshop & photography knowledge and your body of work!

Shawn Vogt

Making the most of your Wide Angle Lens!

We’ll teach you everything you need to know about wide angle lenses, so you'll be ready to face any challenge you encounter in the field. Learn to use your wide-angle lens to create stunning images that capture the boundless beauty of nature.