Black Friday Offers – Up to 50% OFF

Don’t miss out on our biggest landscape photography sale of the year.
Discover how pros capture stunning nature photos using a variety of tools at their disposal.


From fundamentals of nature photography to post processing – here are landscape photography video tutorials from the pros to get your started!

Discount Code: llblackfriday50

What Customers are Saying

I have benefited immensely from your instruction

I have benefited immensely from your instruction on hyper-focal distance, and on stacking, photos to attain sharp focus throughout the scene. Your enthusiasm for your work is contagious. I appreciate the influence of your vitality in my photography.

Indian Land, SC, USA

Best photography webinar I’ve every taken

Mastering Exposure Webinar was the best photography webinar I’ve every taken. I’ve taken lots of seminars where they talked about their pictures but in this one, they showed a video of how they determined their settings while in the field. Very helpful.

Diane Donnelly
Annapolis, Maryland, USA

Great collection of instructional videos

Thank you Jay and Varina . Another great collection of instructional videos. I watch a lot of videos and you two are really the best in giving useful information.

Richard Duckworth
Florida, USA

What a refreshing approach in an ever changing industry!

I have been an outdoor photographer for 25 years and really enjoy tuning in to Varina and Jay’s tutorials, they are leading the way with their technical knowledge and philosophy on composition, what a refreshing approach in an ever changing industry!

Guy Vickers
New Plymouth, New Zealand

I’m successfully using Hyperfocal Distance all the time now!

I spent gobs of time trying to wrap my head around Hyperfocal Distance, but for whatever reason, I just never found the right teachers until I saw your class on the subject. I’ve watched it twice now, and guess what? I’m successfully using Hyperfocal Distance all the time now! It’s literally like you guys opened a curtain and let the sun in.

Kirk Peterson
Tennessee, USA

Varina is an exceptional teacher

Varina is an exceptional teacher (I’ve experienced hundreds over the years and she is among the very best, if not at the top). These case studies are an exceptional complement to the fieldwork teachings where both Varina and Jay excel with their skills and explanations. The Ultimate Landscape Photography Course is a MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE for anyone wanting to get into or improve their skills in this field.

Ron Brit
Manitoba, Canada

I really enjoyed the Behind the Lens course.

I really enjoyed the Behind the Lens course. It is the best of all the courses you’ve made. I own every one of your webinars and courses and this one was as intuitive as any of them.

Frankie Leyro
Fort Belvoir, VA, USA

In Sharp Focus Webinar was informative

In Sharp Focus Webinar was informative and gave me a better understanding and appreciation of some sharpening techniques available in software I use, but that I haven’t utilized before.

Norman, Oklahoma

Excellent Class for a New Student

The Creative Sharpening Class by Jay Patel enlightened me as to the different approaches to sharpening various aspects of a landscape scene. It would be an excellent class for a new student of Lightroom as well as someone experienced who can be reminded by the very good illustrations of the various tools and the interactive potential of these tools in Lightroom. I went back over part of this tutorial several time. It is excellent.

Larry Wilkinson
Michigan, United States

I am having so much fun

You have both brought my learning forward big time with your Histogram Exposed Course. I only got my first dslr 2 weeks ago. You have given me the skills to get results straight away. I am having so much fun experimenting in manual mode. Something I didn’t think was possible so early in my journey.

Simon Page
New South Wales, Australia

About Author Jay Patel

I could startoff like this – “Seeds of Jay Patel’s appreciation for beautiful places were planted early in his childhood….” but it would get boring really fast. I will just sum it up and say that I am a Landscape and Wilderness Photographer who loves to capture dramatic light. My photographs have been published in various magazines, calendars and advertising materials throughout the world.
Patience is a virtue...unless you are chasing your dreams