25% OFF Spring Photography Tutorials

We’ve partnered with some of the world’s best nature photographers to get your creative juices flowing.



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    35+ Curated high quality Nature Photography Tutorials
    350+ Field-based & Post Processing Videos

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What a refreshing approach in an ever changing industry!

I have been an outdoor photographer for 25 years and really enjoy tuning in to Varina and Jay’s tutorials, they are leading the way with their technical knowledge and philosophy on composition, what a refreshing approach in an ever changing industry!

Guy Vickers
New Plymouth, New Zealand

You guys do a fabulous job teaching

You guys do a fabulous job teaching the Essential Filters Course  in a fairly easy and straightforward manner that we can comprehend quickly. I have already learned a lot about different tips and tricks just by watching some of your video courses. Kudos to both of you and I deeply appreciate it.

Jeffery Wong

It was excellent!

In camera exposure principles very simply explained in today’s Mastering Exposure Webinar . It was excellent!

Alan Dixon
Norwich, England

You do a terrific job of explaining things clearly

I just wanted to let you know that I’m working my way through the Ultimate Landscape Photography Course and loving it! You do a terrific job of explaining things clearly, and you have a great onscreen presence and rapport with each other. Really enjoying it – looks like I’ll have to get Behind the Lens next… And I look forward to more after that!

Jack Johnson
Beloit, WI, USA

Keep up the great work

I didn’t know Histograms could be so easily manipulated with such awesome results. I purchased this a few weeks, ago, and have viewed all the videos five or six times. Having been a public school teacher for 40+ years before retiring, I know what makes excellent teaching, and you, two, are some of the best instructors I’ve seen in the field of photography. Keep up the great work, and keep adding new additions to your ebooks and videos collections.

Michael Kaiser
Georgetown, USA

The material is presented in easy-to-digest

I have been using filters for many years and still learned a number of helpful tidbits of information I didn’t already know or hadn’t thought about from the Essential Filters Course. The material is presented in easy-to-digest segments of video that you can sit down and watch all of back-to-back, or if you only have a few minutes you can watch them one at a time. The way the segments are divided makes it easy to go back and find specifics you want to review.

Jennifer Wolf
Cardiff, California

It’s worth every cent!

There’s so many free videos out there it’s easy to be overwhelmed. The Ultimate Landscape Photography Course breaks down the fundamental knowledge you need for landscape photography and shows you how to use that knowledge in an actual photo shoot. That makes it a lot easier to figure out where you’re going wrong when you’re not getting the result you’re after. It’s worth every cent!

Tania Court
Armidale, NSW, Australia

Excellent Class for a New Student

The Creative Sharpening Class by Jay Patel enlightened me as to the different approaches to sharpening various aspects of a landscape scene. It would be an excellent class for a new student of Lightroom as well as someone experienced who can be reminded by the very good illustrations of the various tools and the interactive potential of these tools in Lightroom. I went back over part of this tutorial several time. It is excellent.

Larry Wilkinson
Michigan, United States

I’m successfully using Hyperfocal Distance all the time now!

I spent gobs of time trying to wrap my head around Hyperfocal Distance, but for whatever reason, I just never found the right teachers until I saw your class on the subject. I’ve watched it twice now, and guess what? I’m successfully using Hyperfocal Distance all the time now! It’s literally like you guys opened a curtain and let the sun in.

Kirk Peterson
Tennessee, USA

In Sharp Focus Webinar very good

In Sharp Focus Webinar very good. Sometimes it felt like drinking from a firehouse, but good information.

Kendrick Neubecker
Glenwood Springs, Colorado

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