
Original blog articles about all aspects of landscape photography.


Customers who have purchased Landscape Photography Video Courses & eBooks.


Landscape Photography Video Courses & Post Processing Tutorials sold.


Landscape Photographers who subscribe to our Free InFocus Newsletter.


It’s worth every cent!

There’s so many free videos out there it’s easy to be overwhelmed. The Ultimate Landscape Photography Course breaks down the fundamental knowledge you need for landscape photography and shows you how to use that knowledge in an actual photo shoot. That makes it a lot easier to figure out where you’re going wrong when you’re not getting the result you’re after. It’s worth every cent!

Tania Court
Armidale, NSW, Australia

Keep up the great work

I didn’t know Histograms could be so easily manipulated with such awesome results. I purchased this a few weeks, ago, and have viewed all the videos five or six times. Having been a public school teacher for 40+ years before retiring, I know what makes excellent teaching, and you, two, are some of the best instructors I’ve seen in the field of photography. Keep up the great work, and keep adding new additions to your ebooks and videos collections.

Michael Kaiser
Georgetown, USA

Mastering Exposure Webinar did an excellent job of explaining

The Mastering Exposure Webinar did an excellent job of explaining the importance of the different types of histograms, and when different types of bracketing/blending would be beneficial.

Paul Tibbitts
Norman, Oklahoma, USA

Varina is an exceptional teacher

Varina is an exceptional teacher (I’ve experienced hundreds over the years and she is among the very best, if not at the top). These case studies are an exceptional complement to the fieldwork teachings where both Varina and Jay excel with their skills and explanations. The Ultimate Landscape Photography Course is a MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE for anyone wanting to get into or improve their skills in this field.

Ron Brit
Manitoba, Canada

I congratulate Jay and Varina on an excellent course!

I congratulate Jay and Varina on an excellent course. Naturally the most important element is the human and I am enjoying your philosophy, meticulous attention to detail, and words of wisdom learned sometimes the hard way. You are giving us wonderful and very effective advice and recommendations for equipment use and photographic technique. (Ultimate Landscape Photography Course)

Stephen Veronneau
Edmond, Oklahoma

Lots of in depth information

Mastering Exposure Webinar had lots of in depth information. Very logically presented. Thank you SO much!

Jessie McGuire
Long Island, NY

The information is easy to understand and to the point

I bought several of your Video Courses and I just love them. They are enthusiastic, the information is easy to understand and to the point. It makes me want to run out and try all your tips . Best of all the photography from all over the world is just fantastic! Great work! Will be watching for more!

Upper Michigan, USA

In Sharp Focus Webinar very good

In Sharp Focus Webinar very good. Sometimes it felt like drinking from a firehouse, but good information.

Kendrick Neubecker
Glenwood Springs, Colorado

You guys do a fabulous job teaching

You guys do a fabulous job teaching the Essential Filters Course  in a fairly easy and straightforward manner that we can comprehend quickly. I have already learned a lot about different tips and tricks just by watching some of your video courses. Kudos to both of you and I deeply appreciate it.

Jeffery Wong

Jay and Varina’s style of teaching is so amazing

Your and Varina’s style of teaching is so amazing. You bring the workshop to my home in lucid and easy to understand style. I have subscribed to many including PPSOP, Lynda…But your team is the best! I have recommended The Complete Ultimate Collection to all my friends.

Sunil Udupa
Mumbai, India

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