Black Friday Offers – Up to 50% OFF

Don’t miss out on our biggest landscape photography sale of the year.
Discover how pros capture stunning nature photos using a variety of tools at their disposal.


From fundamentals of nature photography to post processing – here are landscape photography video tutorials from the pros to get your started!

Discount Code: llblackfriday50

What Customers are Saying

Very useful and helpful

I’d like to take the opportunity to congratulate with you for your Video Courses, I find them very useful and helpful in order to improve in my favourite hobby.

Tiziano Trono
Cremona, Italy

John Stanley

Please don’t change except to continue to bring the best possible learning experiences to anybody that wants to be the best possible photographer and learn to understand and practice photography to the best of their ability.

John Stanley
Roanoke, Indiana

Shawn Vogt

It’s difficult to find the words to express how impressed I was with your Photoshop & photography knowledge and your body of work!

Shawn Vogt

Tom Healy

Essential Filters Course would have saved me from frustrating photos that were a result of using filters wrong or not understanding when and how to use them.  Another great tutorial series from Jay & Varina.

Tom Healy
Portland, Oregon

Helpful and explained very well

Mastering Exposure Webinar content was helpful and explained very well.


April Abercrombie

I love the Visual Wilderness Video Courses! And you have great customer service as well :)

April Abercrombie
Oregon, USA

Leslie Fotakis

Not only are the videos excellent, especially for a beginner photographer like me, but the customer support is the best I have ever had! Well done and thank you Jay and Varina!

Leslie Fotakis
Wellington Australia

In Sharp Focus Webinar very good

In Sharp Focus Webinar very good. Sometimes it felt like drinking from a firehouse, but good information.

Kendrick Neubecker
Glenwood Springs, Colorado

Jay was very clear and to the point

Jay was very clear and to the point in In Sharp Focus Webinar. I learned a lot from him today and come to realize how much I don’t know.
Salida, Calif

Great collection of instructional videos

Thank you Jay and Varina . Another great collection of instructional videos. I watch a lot of videos and you two are really the best in giving useful information.

Richard Duckworth
Florida, USA

About Author Jay Patel

I could startoff like this – “Seeds of Jay Patel’s appreciation for beautiful places were planted early in his childhood….” but it would get boring really fast. I will just sum it up and say that I am a Landscape and Wilderness Photographer who loves to capture dramatic light. My photographs have been published in various magazines, calendars and advertising materials throughout the world.
Patience is a virtue...unless you are chasing your dreams