Varina Patel

Owner/Landscape Photographer

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I learn better with your focused approach

I have used both your free and paid video tutorials. What I really like about your approach over some of the many others I have read, is that you concentrate on one small topic (such as hyperfocal distance). I found that I was more likely to go out and practice and thus retain what I learned better than when attacking a much broader topic.

Cleveland, Ohio, USA

I’m successfully using Hyperfocal Distance all the time now!

I spent gobs of time trying to wrap my head around Hyperfocal Distance, but for whatever reason, I just never found the right teachers until I saw your class on the subject. I’ve watched it twice now, and guess what? I’m successfully using Hyperfocal Distance all the time now! It’s literally like you guys opened a curtain and let the sun in.

Kirk Peterson
Tennessee, USA

I learn a lot from them

Both Jay and Ugo are clear and informative in their instruction. I learn a lot from them whenever they host a webinar.

Neal Abello
Santa Ynez, United States

Thank you Varina for explaining hyper focal distance

I am thrilled that this weekend I got to put to use what I have learned so far. Thank you Varina for explaining hyper focal distance, it even worked with my little Olympus OMD M5 with the kit 12-50mm lens. Thank you both for explaining how to use layers.

Robert Forrister
Makanda, Illinois

I thoroughly enjoyed the video courses

I thoroughly enjoyed the video courses by Varina and Jay Patel. Their clear presentation style and real life examples of their teaching enabled me to rapidly understand and put into practice what they were teaching. Their style is quite personal as if you were on site with them. Excellent photography in the examples supports the learning experience. Histograms were always a bit of a mystery. Seeing how to use them to improve my “in-camera” results will enable me to get the results I see in the field.

Michael Franklin
Ottawa, Canada

Jay and Varina’s style of teaching is so amazing

Your and Varina’s style of teaching is so amazing. You bring the workshop to my home in lucid and easy to understand style. I have subscribed to many including PPSOP, Lynda…But your team is the best! I have recommended The Complete Ultimate Collection to all my friends.

Sunil Udupa
Mumbai, India

Passionate hobbyists should follow Jay and Varina Patel

Passionate hobbyists interested in learning the technical aspects of photography in a simple and understanding way should follow Jay and Varina Patel.
Jaikumar Menon
Mumbai, India

I can confidently say excellent job!

This (Visual Wilderness video courses) is exactly what I didn’t realize I’ve been looking for over the past few years: the videos, case studies, raw files, and explanations are what set this so far apart from anything else I’ve found. I have just started the course, but I can confidently say excellent job!

Mark Petry
Downingtown, Pennsylvania

Clear and Concise Information

It has been great to work through your video tutorials at my own pace and concentrate on subjects that most interest me. You provide clear and concise information, and the workflow portions are excellent for driving home the techniques you are teaching. I have also enjoyed your free webinars. Thank you so very much!

Jody Olson

Varina is an exceptional teacher

Varina is an exceptional teacher (I’ve experienced hundreds over the years and she is among the very best, if not at the top). These case studies are an exceptional complement to the fieldwork teachings where both Varina and Jay excel with their skills and explanations. The Ultimate Landscape Photography Course is a MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE for anyone wanting to get into or improve their skills in this field.

Ron Brit
Manitoba, Canada

Mastering Simplification in Nature Photography

Learn to organize & simplify your nature photography compositions to create images with strong visual impact with Jay & Varina Patel.
Cover for Nature Photography Tutorial about Composition

Creating Impact with Nature Photography

Learn to go beyond the basic rules to build stronger nature photography compositions with visual impact with Jay & Varina Patel.
Creative Photography with Shutter Speed Tutorial Cover

Creative Photography with Shutter Speed

Learn to use shutter speed to go beyond your own expectations as you visualize & capture expressive photos with our creative photography tutorial.
Cover for Hyperfocal Distance for Landscape Photography Rev. 3

Hyperfocal Distance for Landscape Photography

Feel confident using hyperfocal distance for landscape photography to get in close with a wide angle lens and get everything in sharp focus.
Cover for Creative Photography Tutorial using Aperture Setting by Jay & Varina Patel

Creative Photography with Aperture

Learn to use your aperture setting with our creative photography tutorial and fill your portfolio with original, imaginative and expressive images.
Telephoto Lenses for Nature Photography Cover by Varina Patel

Telephoto Lenses for Nature Photography

Learn to freeze motion, eliminate blur, catch wildlife in action, be creative, and capture awe-inspiring photos with your telephoto lenses.
Creative Photography with Lensbaby Tutorial Cover

Creative Photography with Lensbaby

Experiment... take risks... break the rules... make mistakes... have fun... and capture striking photos with Lensbaby.
Essential Photography Filters Cover

Essential Photography Filters

How to create stunning images using photography filters... when to use them, why we carry them, and when it's best to put them away.

Vibrant Colors in Nature Photography

Learn to make the most of your camera settings, gear, and creative decisions to capture the rich, vibrant colors you see in nature.

Illuminated Course

Mastering light in landscape photography and coming way with brilliant photos, no matter what.
Macro Photography Lenses Cover

Macro Photography Lenses

Learn to overcome the big challenges of shooting small subjects with your macro photography lens.
In Sharp Focus Tutorial Cover

Nature Photography In Sharp Focus

Learn how to handle difficult focusing situations… discover the best practices and camera settings for sharp focus… and find out how you can get creative with focus, too!
Wide Angle Lens Video Course Cover

Wide Angle Lenses

Make the most of your wide angle lens to capture grand vistas with incredible depth and detail.
Landscape Photography Tutorial - Getting it Right in Camera V1 Cover

Getting it Right in Camera

Go beyond technical skills and capture stunning photos right in camera—regardless of the conditions.
Exposure Bracketing Tutorial for Landscape Photography Cover

Bracketing Exposed

Push beyond the limitations of your camera, and gain control of your highlights and shadows with this complete guide to exposure bracketing for high dynamic range photography.
Photography Histogram Tutorial Cover

Histograms Exposed

No more guesswork… no more hoping for the best… no more poorly exposed photographs. It’s time to take control of your camera.

Mastering Manual Exposure in Nature Photography

Put your knowledge of the exposure triangle into practice. Learn to manually expose your photograph using your camera’s spot meter.
Portrait of Varina Patel

There is nothing more remarkable to me than the power of nature. It is both cataclysmic and subtle. Slow and continuous erosion by water and wind can create landscapes every bit as astonishing as those shaped by catastrophic events – and minuscule details can be as breathtaking as grand vistas that stretch from one horizon to the other. Nature is incredibly diverse. Burning desert sands and mossy riverbanks… Brilliant sunbeams and fading alpenglow… Silent snowfall and raging summer storms… Each offers a unique opportunity. I am irresistibly drawn to the challenge of finding my next photograph, and mastering the skills required to capture it effectively.