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    35+ Curated high quality Nature Photography Tutorials
    350+ Field-based & Post Processing Videos

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Passionate hobbyists should follow Jay and Varina Patel

Passionate hobbyists interested in learning the technical aspects of photography in a simple and understanding way should follow Jay and Varina Patel.
Jaikumar Menon
Mumbai, India

Lots of in depth information

Mastering Exposure Webinar had lots of in depth information. Very logically presented. Thank you SO much!

Jessie McGuire
Long Island, NY

I have learned so much from the videos

Visual Wilderness Streaming Service is the one service that I subscribe to that I truly would be heartbroken to lose!!! I have learned so much from the videos and love that I can go back and re-watch them to refresh myself whenever I want. I knew the videos were outstanding, but I’m in awe at how amazing your customer service is.

Stephanie Young
Kentucky, United States

What a refreshing approach in an ever changing industry!

I have been an outdoor photographer for 25 years and really enjoy tuning in to Varina and Jay’s tutorials, they are leading the way with their technical knowledge and philosophy on composition, what a refreshing approach in an ever changing industry!

Guy Vickers
New Plymouth, New Zealand

Best photography webinar I’ve every taken

Mastering Exposure Webinar was the best photography webinar I’ve every taken. I’ve taken lots of seminars where they talked about their pictures but in this one, they showed a video of how they determined their settings while in the field. Very helpful.

Diane Donnelly
Annapolis, Maryland, USA

I learn a lot from them

Both Jay and Ugo are clear and informative in their instruction. I learn a lot from them whenever they host a webinar.

Neal Abello
Santa Ynez, United States

The material is presented in easy-to-digest

I have been using filters for many years and still learned a number of helpful tidbits of information I didn’t already know or hadn’t thought about from the Essential Filters Course. The material is presented in easy-to-digest segments of video that you can sit down and watch all of back-to-back, or if you only have a few minutes you can watch them one at a time. The way the segments are divided makes it easy to go back and find specifics you want to review.

Jennifer Wolf
Cardiff, California

The very best possible way to teach

I retired from forty years of teaching elementary and middle school math/science students. As a former Indiana Teacher of the Year and and inducted member into the NATIONAL TEACHERS HALL OF FAME, I know what makes great teachers, and believe me, you and Varina Patel are excellent at what you do because you take complex topics and make them so simple to understand. Better yet, you teach your lessons directly from the field, on site—the very best possible way to teach.

Mike Kaiser
Georgetown, Indiana

I really enjoyed the Behind the Lens course.

I really enjoyed the Behind the Lens course. It is the best of all the courses you’ve made. I own every one of your webinars and courses and this one was as intuitive as any of them.

Frankie Leyro
Fort Belvoir, VA, USA

Mastering Exposure Webinar did an excellent job of explaining

The Mastering Exposure Webinar did an excellent job of explaining the importance of the different types of histograms, and when different types of bracketing/blending would be beneficial.

Paul Tibbitts
Norman, Oklahoma, USA

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