25% OFF Spring Photography Tutorials

We’ve partnered with some of the world’s best nature photographers to get your creative juices flowing.



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    35+ Curated high quality Nature Photography Tutorials
    350+ Field-based & Post Processing Videos

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I learned about the creative focusing technique

I learned about the creative focusing technique from In Sharp Focus Webinar . I had never thought about masking areas and using different focusing techniques in each area.

Bruce Edwards
Bowie, Maryland

I thoroughly enjoyed the video courses

I thoroughly enjoyed the video courses by Varina and Jay Patel. Their clear presentation style and real life examples of their teaching enabled me to rapidly understand and put into practice what they were teaching. Their style is quite personal as if you were on site with them. Excellent photography in the examples supports the learning experience. Histograms were always a bit of a mystery. Seeing how to use them to improve my “in-camera” results will enable me to get the results I see in the field.

Michael Franklin
Ottawa, Canada

Mastering Exposure Webinar did an excellent job of explaining

The Mastering Exposure Webinar did an excellent job of explaining the importance of the different types of histograms, and when different types of bracketing/blending would be beneficial.

Paul Tibbitts
Norman, Oklahoma, USA

Jay was very clear and to the point

Jay was very clear and to the point in In Sharp Focus Webinar. I learned a lot from him today and come to realize how much I don’t know.
Salida, Calif

Great stuff!

I’m enjoying your Creating Impact Course video tutorials and case studies. They’ve really helped clarify a number of areas that have always been a big vague for me – like hyperfocal distance! I’ve also really appreciated seeing your thought process when deciding how to photograph a location and the steps you work through in post processing. Great stuff! :)

Ruth Smith
Tasmania, Australia

I can confidently say excellent job!

This (Visual Wilderness video courses) is exactly what I didn’t realize I’ve been looking for over the past few years: the videos, case studies, raw files, and explanations are what set this so far apart from anything else I’ve found. I have just started the course, but I can confidently say excellent job!

Mark Petry
Downingtown, Pennsylvania

The very best possible way to teach

I retired from forty years of teaching elementary and middle school math/science students. As a former Indiana Teacher of the Year and and inducted member into the NATIONAL TEACHERS HALL OF FAME, I know what makes great teachers, and believe me, you and Varina Patel are excellent at what you do because you take complex topics and make them so simple to understand. Better yet, you teach your lessons directly from the field, on site—the very best possible way to teach.

Mike Kaiser
Georgetown, Indiana

Experience you bring to your video courses was very uplifting

The fresh perspective and experience you bring to your video courses was very uplifting to me and since I have taken the course my images have really improved. I also have a renewed desire to shoot again. I continue to watch them over and over and find hidden gems in them each time I do.

Shane Davila
Boise, Idaho, USA

It’s worth every cent!

There’s so many free videos out there it’s easy to be overwhelmed. The Ultimate Landscape Photography Course breaks down the fundamental knowledge you need for landscape photography and shows you how to use that knowledge in an actual photo shoot. That makes it a lot easier to figure out where you’re going wrong when you’re not getting the result you’re after. It’s worth every cent!

Tania Court
Armidale, NSW, Australia

Terrific clear, simple, engaging style

Jay and Varina Patel’s Ultimate Landscape Photography Course has been a great resource to help me in my journey towards taking great photos. Their presentations are in the terrific clear, simple, engaging style that they use in their workshops. Their content is comprehensive and includes handy tips and information that I haven’t seen elsewhere on the net.

Simon Patterson
Western Australia

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