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Very informative and well presented

In Sharp Focus Webinar was very informative and well presented.

Gavin Stuart
Chatham, Ontario, Canada

You guys do a fabulous job teaching

You guys do a fabulous job teaching the Essential Filters Course  in a fairly easy and straightforward manner that we can comprehend quickly. I have already learned a lot about different tips and tricks just by watching some of your video courses. Kudos to both of you and I deeply appreciate it.

Jeffery Wong

great content from a very knowledgeable instructor

In Sharp Focus Webinar contained great content from a very knowledgeable instructor.
Paul Peters
Cobble Hill, British Columbia, Canada

What a refreshing approach in an ever changing industry!

I have been an outdoor photographer for 25 years and really enjoy tuning in to Varina and Jay’s tutorials, they are leading the way with their technical knowledge and philosophy on composition, what a refreshing approach in an ever changing industry!

Guy Vickers
New Plymouth, New Zealand

I really enjoyed the Behind the Lens course.

I really enjoyed the Behind the Lens course. It is the best of all the courses you’ve made. I own every one of your webinars and courses and this one was as intuitive as any of them.

Frankie Leyro
Fort Belvoir, VA, USA

You have solved a huge mystery for me

Varina – this is EXACTLY what I have been studying these days and you have solved a huge mystery for me with this explanation of hyperfocal distance. I’m going to put your chart in my iPhone so I have it with me when I’m out in the field.

Catherine Martin
Palm Desert, California

Great collection of instructional videos

Thank you Jay and Varina . Another great collection of instructional videos. I watch a lot of videos and you two are really the best in giving useful information.

Richard Duckworth
Florida, USA

I’m successfully using Hyperfocal Distance all the time now!

I spent gobs of time trying to wrap my head around Hyperfocal Distance, but for whatever reason, I just never found the right teachers until I saw your class on the subject. I’ve watched it twice now, and guess what? I’m successfully using Hyperfocal Distance all the time now! It’s literally like you guys opened a curtain and let the sun in.

Kirk Peterson
Tennessee, USA

Mastering Exposure Webinar did an excellent job of explaining

The Mastering Exposure Webinar did an excellent job of explaining the importance of the different types of histograms, and when different types of bracketing/blending would be beneficial.

Paul Tibbitts
Norman, Oklahoma, USA

The very best possible way to teach

I retired from forty years of teaching elementary and middle school math/science students. As a former Indiana Teacher of the Year and and inducted member into the NATIONAL TEACHERS HALL OF FAME, I know what makes great teachers, and believe me, you and Varina Patel are excellent at what you do because you take complex topics and make them so simple to understand. Better yet, you teach your lessons directly from the field, on site—the very best possible way to teach.

Mike Kaiser
Georgetown, Indiana

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