What can Telephoto Lenses do for Landscape Photographers?
While most landscape photographers are glued to their wide angle lenses, Josh Cripps explains why he loves to use telephoto lenses.

How to make your Landscape Photography emotionally engaging
Professional landscape and nature photographer Charlotte Gibb shares practical ideas for creating emotionally engaging landscape photography images.

Does Social Media Control Your Landscape Photography?
Pro photographer Lace Andersen shares her thoughts on how playing the game to win likes and shares on social media drives landscape photography.

Why Nature Photographers should go for Quantity over Quality
Ugo Cei makes a compelling arguments why Nature Photographers should take lots of photos at all times of day.

What’s your personal photographic style?
Understanding and analyzing your own personal photographic style is important for developing and improving your skills.

When to convert to Black and White
Lace Andersen provides some tips in determining which scenes and subjects may work well for black and white nature photography.

The Single Best Investment for Landscape Photography
Joshua Cripps tells us about why it's more important to invest in experiences, not equipment will do wonders for your landscape photography portfolio.

6 Traits of a Great Nature Photographer
Grant Collier describes the six personality traits that are required to have any hope of becoming a truly great nature photographer.

Do your nature photos have enough details?
When post processing nature photos how do you know when you need more detail, and when you don’t?

When landscape photographers face a challenging situation
Landscape photographer Lace Andersen shares her ideas about how to deal with a challenging situations.

Why Magic Hour is Overrated
Josh Cripps wants to break the shackles of magic hour and show us that wonderful photographs can be taken around the clock.

Astro Photography: How to Photograph the Solar Eclipse
Pro photographer Grant Collier answers some frequently asked questions to capture the upcoming Solar Eclipse.