Does Originality Really Matter in Nature Photography?
How do you create original images in a world full of nature photographers with digital cameras… and does it really matter?
Do I have to shoot silhouettes at sunset?
The foreground of my sunset photos turns out completely black. What am I doing wrong?
Building on Shared Experiences
Tapping into shared experiences can help you create impact in your composition.
Can you Share your Photoshop Workflow?
When I speak publicly, I get a lot of questions about how much work I do in Photoshop, and how - exactly - I produce a finished image.
Should I Major in Art in College?
As a kid who dreamed of being a photographer and a parent who knows that art business is tough Varina will tries to answer this question.
Color or Monochrome?
When I decide to convert an image to monotone, it's usually because…
Do I like my Graphics Tablet?
When people see me working, they invariably ask if I like my Wacom Graphics Tablet. The answer is HECK, YES! I absolutely love my tablet.
How much time do you spend in Photoshop?
Some photos require just a moment or two in Photoshop, while others requires more time. On average, I spend between 5-15 minutes per photo.
Mediocre Skills or Being Artistic?
We often here the explanation that it is an ‘Artistic photo” – Do photographers disguise their mediocre photography skills as “artistic”?
Is it Photoshopped?
Have people told you your photos look “fake”, “too HDRish”, or that you used too much “photoshop magic”? – Here is how we answer them.
Do the composition rules matter?
Compositional rules might make a photo more appealing, and it’s important to know the rules. But, aren’t all rules meant to be broken?
Finding the Balance
We have six kids between us. We are always busy – homework, soccer, martial arts. So, how do we balance family and a photographic career?