Varina Patel

Owner/Landscape Photographer

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Very informative and well presented

In Sharp Focus Webinar was very informative and well presented.

Gavin Stuart
Chatham, Ontario, Canada

Easy to follow and replicate for your students

Once again, a wonderful course (Getting it Right in Camera) that you have created here, in stunning locations, and by means of your intuitive style of teaching all the concepts and techniques can be properly digested. The case studies provide invaluable insights in how you work your cameras and the thought processes behind creating those wonderful images – easy to follow and replicate for your students.

Frank Weitzer

Great stuff!

I’m enjoying your Creating Impact Course video tutorials and case studies. They’ve really helped clarify a number of areas that have always been a big vague for me – like hyperfocal distance! I’ve also really appreciated seeing your thought process when deciding how to photograph a location and the steps you work through in post processing. Great stuff! :)

Ruth Smith
Tasmania, Australia

Lots of in depth information

Mastering Exposure Webinar had lots of in depth information. Very logically presented. Thank you SO much!

Jessie McGuire
Long Island, NY

In Sharp Focus Webinar was informative

In Sharp Focus Webinar was informative and gave me a better understanding and appreciation of some sharpening techniques available in software I use, but that I haven’t utilized before.

Norman, Oklahoma

Excellent Class for a New Student

The Creative Sharpening Class by Jay Patel enlightened me as to the different approaches to sharpening various aspects of a landscape scene. It would be an excellent class for a new student of Lightroom as well as someone experienced who can be reminded by the very good illustrations of the various tools and the interactive potential of these tools in Lightroom. I went back over part of this tutorial several time. It is excellent.

Larry Wilkinson
Michigan, United States

I learn a lot from them

Both Jay and Ugo are clear and informative in their instruction. I learn a lot from them whenever they host a webinar.

Neal Abello
Santa Ynez, United States

Keep up the great work

I didn’t know Histograms could be so easily manipulated with such awesome results. I purchased this a few weeks, ago, and have viewed all the videos five or six times. Having been a public school teacher for 40+ years before retiring, I know what makes excellent teaching, and you, two, are some of the best instructors I’ve seen in the field of photography. Keep up the great work, and keep adding new additions to your ebooks and videos collections.

Michael Kaiser
Georgetown, USA

What a refreshing approach in an ever changing industry!

I have been an outdoor photographer for 25 years and really enjoy tuning in to Varina and Jay’s tutorials, they are leading the way with their technical knowledge and philosophy on composition, what a refreshing approach in an ever changing industry!

Guy Vickers
New Plymouth, New Zealand

I really enjoyed the Behind the Lens course.

I really enjoyed the Behind the Lens course. It is the best of all the courses you’ve made. I own every one of your webinars and courses and this one was as intuitive as any of them.

Frankie Leyro
Fort Belvoir, VA, USA

Mastering Simplification in Nature Photography

Learn to organize & simplify your nature photography compositions to create images with strong visual impact with Jay & Varina Patel.
Cover for Nature Photography Tutorial about Composition

Creating Impact with Nature Photography

Learn to go beyond the basic rules to build stronger nature photography compositions with visual impact with Jay & Varina Patel.
Creative Photography with Shutter Speed Tutorial Cover

Creative Photography with Shutter Speed

Learn to use shutter speed to go beyond your own expectations as you visualize & capture expressive photos with our creative photography tutorial.
Cover for Hyperfocal Distance for Landscape Photography Rev. 3

Hyperfocal Distance for Landscape Photography

Feel confident using hyperfocal distance for landscape photography to get in close with a wide angle lens and get everything in sharp focus.
Cover for Creative Photography Tutorial using Aperture Setting by Jay & Varina Patel

Creative Photography with Aperture

Learn to use your aperture setting with our creative photography tutorial and fill your portfolio with original, imaginative and expressive images.
Telephoto Lenses for Nature Photography Cover by Varina Patel

Telephoto Lenses for Nature Photography

Learn to freeze motion, eliminate blur, catch wildlife in action, be creative, and capture awe-inspiring photos with your telephoto lenses.
Creative Photography with Lensbaby Tutorial Cover

Creative Photography with Lensbaby

Experiment... take risks... break the rules... make mistakes... have fun... and capture striking photos with Lensbaby.
Essential Photography Filters Cover

Essential Photography Filters

How to create stunning images using photography filters... when to use them, why we carry them, and when it's best to put them away.

Vibrant Colors in Nature Photography

Learn to make the most of your camera settings, gear, and creative decisions to capture the rich, vibrant colors you see in nature.

Illuminated Course

Mastering light in landscape photography and coming way with brilliant photos, no matter what.
Macro Photography Lenses Cover

Macro Photography Lenses

Learn to overcome the big challenges of shooting small subjects with your macro photography lens.
In Sharp Focus Tutorial Cover

Nature Photography In Sharp Focus

Learn how to handle difficult focusing situations… discover the best practices and camera settings for sharp focus… and find out how you can get creative with focus, too!
Wide Angle Lens Video Course Cover

Wide Angle Lenses

Make the most of your wide angle lens to capture grand vistas with incredible depth and detail.
Landscape Photography Tutorial - Getting it Right in Camera V1 Cover

Getting it Right in Camera

Go beyond technical skills and capture stunning photos right in camera—regardless of the conditions.
Exposure Bracketing Tutorial for Landscape Photography Cover

Bracketing Exposed

Push beyond the limitations of your camera, and gain control of your highlights and shadows with this complete guide to exposure bracketing for high dynamic range photography.
Photography Histogram Tutorial Cover

Histograms Exposed

No more guesswork… no more hoping for the best… no more poorly exposed photographs. It’s time to take control of your camera.

Mastering Manual Exposure in Nature Photography

Put your knowledge of the exposure triangle into practice. Learn to manually expose your photograph using your camera’s spot meter.
Using foreground elements nature photography composition from Skogafoss, Iceland by Jay Patel

Why Use Foreground Elements in Your Photography Composition

Learn how to use a foreground elements in nature photography composition to convey a sense of location and to be creative with Varina Patel.
March 4, 2021/by Varina Patel
Cover for landscape photography blog post about how to clean your tripod by Varina Patel.

How to Clean Your Photography Tripod

It’s important to clean your tripod regularly specially if you been photographing in sand, salt water, or swamps. Here is how Varina Patel does it.
February 18, 2021/by Varina Patel
Cover for nature photography composition blog about point of interest by Varina Patel

Nature Photography Composition Tips to Create a Point of Interest

Pro photographer Varina Patel offers some easy-to-follow ideas for creating a point of interest in your nature photography composition.
February 11, 2021/by Varina Patel
Cover for nature photography blog post about monochromatic colors by Varina Patel

5 Effective Monochromatic Nature Photography Ideas to Pursue

Pro photographer Varina Patel share some very practical monochromatic nature photography techniques to simplify your photos.
February 1, 2021/by Varina Patel

How to use Telephoto Lenses for Nature Photography

Here are some indispensable tips from Varina Patel about using your telephoto lenses for nature photography.
January 14, 2021/by Varina Patel
Nature Photography composition using leading lines from Iceland by Varina Patel

How to build a Photography Composition around your Subject

Pro photographer Varina Patel shares some highly effective ideas to build a compelling nature photography composition around your subject.
December 14, 2020/by Varina Patel
Landscape photography from Big Island, Hawaii by Jay Patel

Is Post Processing good or bad for Landscape Photography?

Are the latest post processing tools in Photoshop good or bad for landscape photography? Varina Patel give her unique take on this question.
December 7, 2020/by Varina Patel
Landscape photography composition from New Zealand by Jay Patel

How to Use Negative Space in Nature Photography Composition

Varina Patel show us how to capture effective landscape photography compositions by learning to make the most of negative space - and to avoid dead space.
November 2, 2020/by Varina Patel
Landscape Photography from Jokusarlon, Iceland by Jay Patel

Cold Weather Photography Gear to stay Warm and Dry

Here is what Pro photographer Varina Patel recommends for staying warm and dry during cold weather photography.
August 31, 2020/by Varina Patel
Cover for Black and White Photography blog post by Varina Patel

Black and White Photography Tips to Control Tonal Contrast

Here are some black and white photography tips from Varina Patel to control tonal contrast using Photoshop Layers & Masks.
August 19, 2020/by Varina Patel
Cover for Macro Photography blog post by Varina Patel

7 Practical Macro Photography Tips to Capture Stunning Photos

Even with a proper equipment, it is hard to photograph tiny subjects. Here are few macro photography tips from Varina Patel to get your started.
June 22, 2020/by Varina Patel
Cover for Nature Photography article on shutter speed by Varina Patel.

5 Ideas to capture Abstract Nature Photography Composition

Varina Patel shares some creative techniques for capturing striking abstract nature photography composition using colors, patterns, shapes and more.
June 3, 2020/by Varina Patel
Portrait of Varina Patel

There is nothing more remarkable to me than the power of nature. It is both cataclysmic and subtle. Slow and continuous erosion by water and wind can create landscapes every bit as astonishing as those shaped by catastrophic events – and minuscule details can be as breathtaking as grand vistas that stretch from one horizon to the other. Nature is incredibly diverse. Burning desert sands and mossy riverbanks… Brilliant sunbeams and fading alpenglow… Silent snowfall and raging summer storms… Each offers a unique opportunity. I am irresistibly drawn to the challenge of finding my next photograph, and mastering the skills required to capture it effectively.